Thursday 11 May 2017

(Wednesday) A hard life in Haight...

Wow we woke up late! Well, late in comparison to the rest of the holiday but it felt good! Extra good to know that we didn't actually have anything to do..!  Weirdly good...
So we basically just pootled around the studio, making coffee & breakfast and getting my blog up to date.
Originally we'd said that we would do the bike ride today but to be honest we could not be arsed at all once we were up and about.  It felt like it needed to be a day of no plans and nothingness really.
So that is what we did.

We headed out around midday and just mooched along around Haight, flitting in and out of the shops - well one shop mainly which was a record shop!   Dan was in his element and bought up a stack of vinyl.
I actually bought one myself so I can't say much!

We wandered on down Haight into Lower Haight and decided it was time for a beer!  We found Black Sands Beer and went in there, realising then that we had actually been in there before!  I had a rather strong cocktail which seemed to be the scene setter for the day..
After a couple of beers in there we mooched on and got some sandwiches in a fab little Vegetarian Cafe called Love N Haight. And then on to Toronadoes - again somewhere we have been before. This is a great little bar but it is a bit smelly. Farts and stale sick really.. hahahaha!

From there we went into a place called Noc Noc which at first glance seemed a bit of a dive but was actually really good. We sat in the window and got to do a great bit of people watching over our beers!  Think we were starting to get a bit tipsy by now but it was just good fun. I didn't have to hold off because of driving and we knew we had a nice studio to head back to rather than a small room..
Whilst in Noc Noc I got involved in someone's picture sharing at the bar. I just basically stuck my head over so I could see them and started asking him about it!  Hahaha.. bet he thought i was a right cheeky cow.

From there we went in 'The Page' which was a great little very American bar. I say very American becuase it was so reminiscent of the ones you see in movies and TV series, more so than any others we had been in. There was a great group of people in there and everyone just seemed happy and ha in fun including the bar staff. They played a great mix of soul, funk and Prince on the jukebox!
There was also a man in there that didn't appear to have left the late 80's/early 90's with his middle parting floppy hairstyle and blouson leather jacket but boy he did his best to seem cool to his female friends!

Decided then that we were hungry but rather than go for a meal somewhere we really fancied a takeaway back at the studio. So as we were deciding on what takeaway, we bobbed into Magnolia for one last one (as we had started making our way back now) and just agreed to wander down the road and see what we found.

They were filming something around Haight - had been all day as we had seen them earlier - but it was really heavy filming action going on now with hoards of bystanders everywhere.. We fought through them and found a Chinese so shot in there. It wasn't the most wonderful looking place but that was good as we knew it would be good food as it was clearly about the food and not some posh restaurant.
I sent Dan off to the studio to get the plates & wine ready and waited there watching the filming action. Apparently, unless you specifically asked not to be in the film, the assumption was that you were ok for your image to be used with no expectations or rights to it.. guess that is why everyone was hanging around so they could get in it!

So yeah, I could actually be in it myself, leaving a takeaway on Haight on my own, looking slightly tipsy/haggard, maybe a bit lost and with a takeaway for two in my hand!!  Keep your eyes peeled folks you won't want to miss that!!  Hahahaha.. (no idea what it was they were actually filming though.......)
Chinese was amazing too.. really fresh, hot, tasty and clean tasting. YUM..

1 comment:

  1. Sazzle the film star :)

    Chilled days like this are sometimes as rewarding as the adventures, usually they end up as mini-adventures anyway xx
