Friday 12 May 2017

Shiiiiiiit.. its our last day already..

Can't believe it's our last day already.  It all seems to have flown by yet when we think back to something in the early stages of the holiday it just seems like a lifetime ago.

This trip strangely has felt like this is our normal life in some ways, but then of course there is a great big gap which is my son and the girls (pets). Not missed not working of course and i'm even fine that i'm not at my house. But still, all that said, I am feeling ready to go back.. I think. Hmmmm maybe I could be persuaded to stay a little longer. Especially in this Studio. This has given us an at home feeling I think and has been a wonderful way to finish the holiday as we have been able to kick back now and relax after the constant travelling and finding our way around new towns.

So what will we do with our last day?  F*ck all we have decided!  Well, we have done all the main tourist things in San Francisco before and we can just read back about it ( if we need to. We chose to stay in Haight because we wanted to see of the place and SF was always meant to be our place to relax.
Turns out that neither one of us is actually bothered about doing the bike ride either. Think we've both felt we should rather than that we want to.. but I have seen the bridge more than once, I have driven over it, we have been in Sausalito, we have done a boat ride around the bay and have previously seen (and disliked) the Fisherman's Wharf area....So WHY are we making ourselves do this?!

Happy with our decision, I made a marvellously large brunch and then we headed out. We spent time wandering around the other end of Haight that we haven't seen previously and found some great shops to peruse (and Dan more bloody records to buy). There was one shop that sold vintage clothing from 1900 - 1990 and they had some absolute crackers in there. I was so tempted to get some 80's stuff ready for J's summer party but on the flip side, these were not cheap and it was a bit much just for dressing up... though one top Dan and I thought I could probably rock it at anytime not just the party. Still tempted tbh!!

 We had worked up quite a thirst so stopped for a couple of beers in this little bar called Murio's, bumping into two lovely dogs and a 30-yr expat from West Bromwich, who Dan was pleased to talk football with (both having a healthy dislike of Man U).

We meandered down to Golden Gate park as we have never seen that either. It is a lovely park..3 miles long and 1/2 mile wide so isn't small!  We stopped partway through to watch a game of rounders... oops sorry I mean BASEBALL!  These were teenagers that were playing so we got to see all that wonderful teenage boy awkwardness whilst the girls looked on from 'the bleachers'!!

It was quite an interesting game to be honest.. weird though that the team members never shout each other on by their name, only there number. So like 'Come on number 17' rather than 'Come on JohnBarryJunior'!!~. Hahah maybe that right there is the reason why..

It had started getting a bit windy & chilly so we pushed on as we were also getting hungry. The food trucks were due to be in Haight and we fancied getting some food from there so we wandered over. There was a great selection and I went for Garlic infused giant shrimps, covered in a lobster saffron gravy on rice..  What about that then?  God it was good.. Dan went for a Matter paneer combo from a different truck and then we shared a frozen custard dessert that was served with caramel sauce, extra virgin olive oil and sea salt.. It was seriously good.

We pushed on from there back down Haight and via ANOTHER record store, Amoeba (I actually bought some myself), and then into a nice little cocktail bar.. Alambec. Liked it in there but there were 2 women in there (separate) who had that really bloody annoying screechy American voice/accent that some females have and after a bit I just couldn't cope with how loud and insincere they were so we left!! I'm sure they were devastated!

Moved on and found a great little bar, Club Deluxe, with a live band playing jazz so we shot in there.  It was in there that, as much as we liked the place, we realised that we were done. Just completely done and had basically had enough of sitting in bars and.. get this.. Dan was now sick of beer!  SICK OF BEER...  amazing!  Note - not sick of drinking though.. just sick of beer. So I suggested we just went back to the Studio as we have a couple of bottles of wine in the fridge, some cheeses that need to be eaten before we leave and comfy pants...

So that is exactly what we did and it was brilliant. Not what we would expect ourselves to do on our last night but just what we needed..  (I watched Antman too which I loved!).....


  1. Ha! You advertised your own old blog! hehe

    Brilliant last day after all your adventures :-)

    Safe travels to you both, see you soon xxxxx

  2. I wonder why you took the photo of the name of the store... "Distractions" ;-) x
