Friday 5 May 2017

Driving me round the Bend.....

Ahhh I had to say it!!

Anyway, last night we wandered downtown and headed for Deschutes bar.  We had a leisurely couple in there and planned the next couple of days stays.
We're off to Crater Lake next and then will stay in 'Ashland' which is about 1.5 hours further on and heading south like we now need to.

We have actually travelled 874 miles so far.
Seattle to San Francisco is 808 miles.
We are currently still 491 miles from San Francisco!!

So Bend is a cute little place. Reminds me of a big town but done in a much smaller way!  There are some lovely little shops and restaurants here and of course bars. Lots of bars.. it is well known for it as well as the number of breweries here.
Deschutes Bar we went to Bend Brewing company where we also grabbed some food. Which was delicious. I wanted a plate of wonderfully cooked vegetables (yes I have reached that stage) but as it wasn't on the menu, I opted for a mahoosive smoked turkey sandwich with a cup of Spinach Bisque on the side!  It was lovely..

From there we went to McMenamins.. these have places all over and they buy up disused Theatres, schools, cinemas etc etc and turn them into unique and funky bars still maintaining some of the original building features/original use.
This one had previously been a school..
It had more than one bar area too.. we were happy in the first one we chose.. it was nice and chilled (and Dan found his beer of the holiday so far) but that closed at 11pm and we still had full drinks so we moved over into the other one.

That felt like we were at a Frat party!  There was a big games room at the side of the bar area (for shuffle board and pool I think) and it was also attached to a spa or something.. But that is no fooking excuse for a woman being in there in her bathrobe.  I  mean it.. IN HER BATHROBE.....WTF. What the actual Fuck!!!
Its one thing that some areas of England go out in their pyjamas to the shops but being in a bar in your bathrobe??  One had to assume she had come from the spa but it was only her still wearing one. No-one else.. and yes of course I got surreptious photos ;-). Hahaha....
Made our way back to the hotel from there, had a midnight feast of cheese and bisuits and then crashed out.

I am now currently persuading myself to go and get ready so we can get brekkers and then head on to Crater Lake,, which I am very much looking forward to...

1 comment:

  1. IN HER BATHROBE! Brilliant, I can see your face.
