Wednesday 10 May 2017

(Tuesday) Just don't scratch the car Sarah.....

What an amazing nights sleep. I could happily pack this bed up and take it home with me!  Love, love, love this hotel in Healdsburg.. (Grape Leaf Inn)..
Also woke up to a text from Chip (our Air BnB host in SF) saying we could check in whenever we wanted rather than wait until 3pm which was great news.
Breakfast was provided by the hotel so we made the most of that, with Dan very kindly offering me his leftover leaves much to my amusement. Which then led to dirty looks off one of the other residents because I was laughing heartily.  Jeez, I thought that only happened on the London tube (especially when you make your child look like he has no head like me and J did!) ...

So we packed the car up for the final time and set off for San Francisco. We needed petrol first though so went to the gas station first.. and once again, my frigging cards were declined causing much awkwardness and embarrassment on my behalf. I start off on this diatribe about my card company protecting me from fraud and I thought it was sorted and blah blah blah. Like the woman gave a shit. She just wanted me to pay!  So I got cash out and as I did, I got the text messages again asking me to confirm it was me making the payments! FFS...  shouldn't complain really. It is me they are trying to protect at the end of the day.

It was a really easy, pleasant journey to SF which also involved driving over the Golden Gate Bridge.. how exciting!!  Though we did a slight detour via Sausalito to top up the petrol and nearly took out a number of idiot cyclists!  Its a popular route to cycle over the GG bridge into Sausalito and then get the Ferry back.  We intend on doing it ourselves to be honest but not like this dickheads who were wobbling all over the road!  (You know I am now going to be one of those dickhead cyclists don't you in some sort of divine retribution for saying that!)

We found our studio really easily and as we got out of the car I realised I couldn't find the car key.
Cue fits of total panic as the last time I remember having it in my hand was when I used the toilet in the garage at Sausalito!  Logic went out of my head entirely as how would the bloody engine be on if we didn't have the key (it was a keyless ignition type car). All I could think about was giving the car back without a key and how I daren't turn the engine off now as I might not be able to get it back to the car hire place!!  I tore that car and my handbag apart whilst Dan just casually unloaded the boot.  Eventually I decided to check on Dan's side and there it bloody was under his seat.. aarrggghhhhhh.. If I had just calmed down for 2 seconds I could have worked it out and known it was deffo in the car somewhere.  That's why Dan just got on with it as he had already worked that out but couldn't get it through to me at all!!!  Not that I am a drama queen from time to time at all. Honest ;-)

Our studio is soooooooo lovely. We are so happy with it and it is the best way to finish this trip off. Oh the joy of having space to put your bags in and to be able to unpack. To be able to get your own drink and make some toast! And comfy seats. Actual comfy seats that we can relax in... amazing how you miss these things.

We're right in the heart of Haight which is a place we liked best on our last trip. We just want to be able to potter about now and enjoy where we are so we have no major plans...aside from the bike ride.

But first, we needed to get the car back and (sadly) do some shopping. Dan needs some stuff, plus we want to get another bag so we can take back the shopping more easily!
And so we found the car hire place and after a very tight turn in where I reallly thought I was going to scrape the entire side of it, we handed back our car and all of my driving was over. Done and dusted.. It's kind of a relief in some ways to not have to live out of a car and every single day get up and back on the road but sad in others as it means this trip is coming to an end. We've been adding up the miles covered as we go and with the little detours we have been taking here and there it comes to around 1573miles driven. All by me! Dan has been a great navigator though (99% of the time anyway ;-) ) and hey, we have made it with no accidents, issues or even wrong turnings!

We went for a bite to eat and some celebratory beers before shopping and in there I made up my mind that I HAD to go and find the Christian Laboutin shop and with any luck, leave with a pair :-)
And I had that luck too. I am now the proud and slightly poorer owner of a pair of Laboutin's.. So excited to wear them.  Dan got what he needed and then we grabbed a cab and headed back.
Shot out then for some provisions for the studio at the local market/deli. It was excellent but a bit pretentious and crazy busy. A bit like the Unicorn in Chorlton!

And then we wandered around the corner to Magnolia - a place we had been last time and loved - for a couple of drinks and maybe a bite to eat.. (I had the Mussels as recommended by the very gorgeous barman!) .

 A lovely night re-discussing the places we'd seen and been and then a stroll back to the apartment.. where we were greeeted  by a raccoon having a wee outside our building & then just casually walked down the street towards us...


  1. Yay, headless children...

    Completely recognise the "lost key" incident, it works the same with The Spy and me.

    Can't wait to see you in those shoes :-).

    Where is the photo of the barman? Jeez!

  2. Couldn't get one of him J I'm afraid. Where I was sat just meant I would have been VERY obvious!! Shame.... x
