Friday 5 May 2017

Snow?? But its 85 freakin degrees mate...

I really should have got a picture of the breakfast table at the Lighthouse. It was so elegantly set with fine china, chargers, fresh sunflowers and about 67 sets of cutlery each!  My friend H would have had a pink fit about it.. .it was right up her street!

Ellen served us and it had been her that had welcomed us in the day before. And she really did welcome us too. It was so genuine and warm. Then she disappears until the next day leaving everyone to their own devices in the cottage and lighthouse. There's a full kitchen you just use as you want, musical instruments, a stereo, 2 sitting rooms, real fires and on and on..

After breakfast and pack up she opened up the gift shop just for us. The lighthouse is still open to the public during the day but obvs when guests are there it is all closed to them.. 
We said our goodbyes to Janice/Jill & her husband who were heading off to Eugene - big hugs and kisses all round and then the same with Diane and Larry but she got quite tearful god bless her. Her holiday had started badly as her Aunt passed away as she had just set off but she said this had been the best possible ending to it for her and she knew being here with all of us was just meant to be...

Ellen had also told us all over breakfast how much she had enjoyed being around us and with us. She said many groups are very quiet but listening to us all chatting and laughing and seeing us fully enjoying the experience really made her day.....  See us Brits just make all the bloody difference!

So now we are pushing back inland to go to Bend which is perfectly located to get to Crater Lake. Its about 205 miles away but almost horizontal on the map so we're not really moving further south. But its how we want to do it and we have plenty of time still to push on down towards San Francisco. We don't have to be there until Tuesday. 
On the way we briefly stopped at Sea Lion Caves. I had read a couple of things on a forum about this place which said it was a massive tourist trap and you could just go in the gift shop and watch the sea lions on the monitor there for free rather than pay to be taken down there to see the exact same thing!!  So that is what we did!!  Hahahaha... we wandered around outside to see the very foggy view as well though.

Today the journey is all about the end destination so there won't be much stopping off as not much to see.. or so we thought.  The all year round Xmas store just there, roadside in the middle of nowhere, with no other shops for miles was one thing!
Haha.. but yeah as we're now going inland again its forests, lakes, rivers and snow capped mountains. Just cannot describe the contrasts from beach to this. Its so lush and green and imposing and WOW!  Driving along in 85 degree heat with snow on the side of the road is bloody weird I have to say..

And the mountains.. oh...they just rise up out of 'nowhere' in front of you peeping over the top of the huge pine trees looking so crisp and white but bloody treacherous too! 

We had quite a lot of food left from the lighthouse feast we'd taken so we'd packed it up and brought it with us to hopefully find somewhere to have a picnic along the way. The decision over whether it should be lake or river side, or in the forest or by a mountain was painful ;-) oh what a fooking tough life we have hey.. Where oh where in the beautiful scenery should we eat our french cheeses, smoked turkey and drink beer and red wine... its just SOOOOO difficult!!  Hahaha...

Just found a spot really - saw a sign that showed picnic tables, saw there was a lake and just went for it. It was delightful.
I did find I was getting very tired though on the journey so needed to pull over for a little break. I am more than happy to be doing all the driving but it does get tiring when doing so much....we had originally said it would be shared but Dan isn't that arsed and is a little less confident than I am about it as he hasn't done much driving on 'the other side' of the road!  Plus, he just does drive by's all the time instead of pulling into loads of places so it's not worth the heated discussions!  (Also, I just fall asleep if left in the passenger seat with nothing to do!!!)

Anyway I pulled over and Dan was like ' yep, have 10mins Sarah and just rest your eyes..I'll turn the radio off so its nice and peaceful...' lovely... and then he loudly fiffed and faffed his way around the front seat. I mean I know this car is bloody huge but seriously what the F do you find to do in that passenger space that makes that much noise!  Apparently there were insects getting in...??!! He then proceeded to get in and out of the car about 3 times.. I gave up and moved on.

Arrived in Bend easily enough and checked into our traditional local Motel!  Yay..  Quick freshen up and then headed off downtown for a well earned beer.... (me that is. Not Dan.. his faffing doesn't equate to well earned!!! Heehehe)

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