Tuesday 25 April 2017

The night before (again!)

I say again because I did a post with the same title on my last blog (see DaynesRoadTrip.blogspot.com).

So yeah, its the night before our 2nd crack at a road trip on the West Coast of America!
This time it's Seattle to San Francisco with very little planning done.. which kind of sits outside of my comfort zone even though i have been a driving force behind not having it overly planned.
I mean, I am Ok with 'no plans' when you are in one destination and then just seeing how you feel each day as to where you want to go/what you want to do.  But having less than 50% of your holiday in definite accommodation or known locations is a bit weird for me!

But I know it will be so worth it and lets face it, we're hardly going to a place that struggles for motels/hotels are we?!!

Its going to be great fun and I am in particular looking forward to our stay in a lighthouse which is about halfway through the trip (see I do have some plans ;-) ).

Anyway, today's prep hasn't gone quite as it should but it's still all OK.  BeeBee (our lovely puppy) went off to her holiday home without fuss and Jesse P has been running all around the house loving the fact there is no pain in the arse puppy around!  My last minute clothing delivery went awry as the courier reckons I wasn't in - when I was - so that is a few items of holiday clothing missing now. That said, I know I need and want to pack lighter than last time as it was a proper ballache dragging that big case in and out of places and we didn't have quite as many different hotels that time. Also this means I might just have to buy stuff when I am there ;-). Hahaha

Checking in online resulted in us having seats one row and about 5 seats apart on the Atlanta to Seattle leg of the journey. As I said to my friend earlier though, maybe after approx 13hours straight with Dan I will be ready for a little separation!! And he from me too obvs ;-)

We're both all packed now. Dan did a power pack as he called it. IE he just grabbed clothes, bent them up (to him it is folding!) and shoved them in his case. All done in less than 15mins!!
I have made up some food for Aaron and squeezed in a much needed hair colouring and then looked to sort this old blog out so yeah, all looking good right now.

Just had a mini cheese and biscuits session with some red wine and then I think it's starting to look like bedtime as we need to be on our way by 7.30am..... 

I KNOW I am going to lay awake fretting about whether Bee has settled into her holiday place OK and is sleeping happily and if Jesse will be OK without anyone here for the next 48hours!  What the hell has happened to me!!   And as for Aaron and his upcoming exams and being left with the house and pets to sort out, well.......
I've told Dan he needs to get me good and drunk on the way to Seattle just so I don't worry about everyone..   Ha.. well its a decent excuse/justification  if nothing else. Not that I really need one but anyway........ 


  1. Yay you got your hair coloured :)

    Safe travels and adventures xxxxx

  2. Hahaha!! Yeah, but I forgot to bring a red towel so there will be some suitably ruined hotel towels along my travels!! Xxx
