Sunday 30 April 2017

Surprised it took this long....

I am hung...over.  (Movie quote there but from what film..??)

As I say surprised it took this long for one to happen to be honest!  And there we were patting ourselves on the back for having been so sensible and getting early nights etc...

Neither of us have very clear memories about last night as my last post suggests!  Dan was convinced we went into 2 bars after leaving the place where we had pizza which was a worry to me as I had absolutely NO recollection of another bar!  We think now that he is mixing it up and it was only the one bar on the walk home.
So, we had planned for a lovely leisurely morning with a nice lie in then a wander down for breakfast before driving to Portland. But no, we woke up almost too late for breakfast and feeling like shit.  3am-ish we think it was that we went to bed....

Dan, god bless him, threw some clothes on and dashed down to grab some food to bring back to the room so we could at least eat before attempting to pack up again and move on. 
Eventually we managed to shift out of the room and agreed that we would still do the route we had planned on which was too loop around Mount Hood and go to Portland that way. 
I'm glad we did as it was stunning. It also snowed a little on the way and was fooking freezing in parts!!

Selfie wankers!

Hangover hunger hit again soon enough but we had to be in Portland for 2pm to give the car back so couldn't pull into one of the little towns and have a leisurely lunch sadly.  Dairy Queen 'dirty' chicken it was then :-).  With gravy. Yum.. (Dan had a fish burger).
Back on the way with junk food filled bellies and it was a little bit of a race against time. That said, I had checked when the car rental place closed and it was 3pm as it was Sunday so we had a little bit of room though might get charged extra.

We were leaving all the forests & scenery behind now and it was mainly restaurants and bars lining the roads. Like loads of them, everywhere!  All the fast food joints you can think of and more and all seemed to have people in them?!  There were also a number of places called JiffyLube... yeah.. JiffyLube.  Guess what they were?  
Car service places.   I guess those 2 words together don't have the same connotations over here!

Other things I have learnt so far about Oregon - aside from JiffyLube (which I don't think is actually an Oregon only place).  
- There is a town called Boring.
- Cannabis has been legalised here.
- Waitresses fancy Dan (the woman in Manzanita was practically drooling over him) 
- And Oregon is one of only 2 states in America that doesn't (generally) let you pump your own gas.  We were told this when we picked the car up yet each time we have gone for gas a conversation ensues between us over whether or not I should get out and fill up or is that the man there.. is he coming over .. ooh what is that driver doing. No they are staying in the car.. ahh actually maybe they're getting out.  No here's the man Sarah stay where you are!!  

Anyway, bloody get to the car rental place around 2.30 and its fooking closed. It closed at 2pm!!  Aaarrrrggghhhhh... bastardo!  There was a note & key drop place though but we will be getting charged now until opening time tomorrow. BOLLOCKS!  
Took a picture of the car parked up though to prove I did return it as I got paranoid about dropping the keys off and walking away. Left my sunglasses case in there too. 
Will have to buy some new ones as these are obviously going to get scratched now ;-)...  hahaha..

Hotel in Portland is lovely. Really pleased with it and it appears to be in a very good location.. not that we have stepped out yet as we are knackered!  Dan is currently having a power nap to fight off the last of his hangover and I am eyeing up the Snack Box thing they put in the room for you to purchase whilst updating this and watching Gone Girl!!
We are currently planning a very light drinking evening and may even just go out for dinner then back here to watch Line of Duty on the iPad on BBC iPlayer!  Well it was the last episode tonight and we bloody love that series!!  
Will do us the world of good to have a night off it all and get some proper sleep. Whilst we've had early nights, we've drank a lot and slept badly - suspect it's just been about readjusting to the time difference. And then of course the 3am pissed up night last night!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Anchorman... I had to look it up.

    And I was also giggling at the way they use 'Lube' over there, and I was also tickled by the petrol station company Kum and Go.

    Really hope Dan starts feeling better, and good shout on new sunglasses :-) x
