Thursday 27 April 2017

Booked (kind of), packed (SO heavy!) and f'd off....

So the big day finally arrived and we were up and at it on time :-). I didn't spend my night worrying about the pets but whether or not I really had checked my ESTA correctly - ie that it wasn't actually still valid - and also, what if they take a dislike to the fact I have a Russian visa and Turkish visa's in my passport!  (Dan has Israel in his too!!).
Anyway, I put those nighttime overthought thoughts to one side and cracked on!

We sailed through bag drop & security and were in the bar in no time... Bloody Mary please.
Plane was slightly delayed in boarding/take off but they managed to reduce the actual time flying so we were due to arrive at the same time as originally planned anyway so that was fine.
I was very happy in Premium Economy I have to say. Seats were very comfy, really roomy and there was lots of Prosecco on boarding.  I watched Allied on the way which was pretty good, ate lots (really nice food) and drank even more!  Hahaha.  I also slept quite a bit.
We had hardly any time in Atlanta airport as Border Control took aaaages - and not because my ESTA wasn't valid nor because they were intrigued by my other holidays but just because.  Realistically we sailed through, we just had to queue first!
Security took time too and then we just had to go straight to gate.
Once again the plane was delayed but they reduced the time flying?! Errm how???
But this premium economy was not very nice. This was with Delta so a partner flight to Virgin and it was very small & cramped with just a bit more leg room.  They were generous in snacks, not bad with drinks and very mean with the air conditioning. Eugghhh it was SO hot on that flight.  Managed to sleep through through 2 films ;-) and eventually we were in Seattle.

Our hotel is really nice. Nothing fancy but we knew that already but lovely staff and a nice size room and very clean.  What more can we want. -  OH and a great coffee maker ;-)
We didn't venture far as we were tired etc so we went into our hotel bar. Mainly because we were determined to get onto the new time zone and go to bed accordingly.

The bar is great and Dan loves the beer selection. Really nice food too. It was really full for a Wednesday night and not really with residents.
We got chatting to the guy next to us - Josh - who was another beer lover and was here for a conference. He lived in Portland for 3 years but is actually from Wyoming. Anyway, he started giving us some great tips for places to stay/visit based on what we are looking for over the next couple of day :-)
I was SO happy as he mentioned 2 places I had ummed and ahhhed about and so now we're going there and have, once again, changed around the path that we're taking over the next couple of days.  This was exactly what we had hoped for - ie local knowledge to help us decide where next!
Josh is a lovely guy and gave us his card in case we fancy catching up again tonight as he is here on his own and has no plans other than the conference :-). Think it was ideal for him as this means he has someone to chat with but its all totally 'none threatening' so to speak.
So now, next stop after Seattle is Manzanita - which is on the coast - for one night and then over to 'River Hood' which is a tiny town apparently but perfectly located for getting out on the Columbia River Gorge (which is where we wanted to go) and also to get to Mount Hood which will be quite interesting.
This then will neatly take us to Portland where we are booked in for anyway from Sunday....
Still not decided where after Portland - aside from the Lighthouse that I have booked - which is really quite exciting.
Anyway to matters at hand.  I am just arisen from bed (hahaha) and we are now, post lovely coffee's ,about to get ready and venture out into actual Seattle.
First stop breakfast yum yum........


  1. I was just reading about how Frasier was in Seattle, but not filmed there! How dissapointing, you could have done some kind of a tour maybe? ;-)

    SO glad I wasn't travelling with you on a hot flight, but so happy you are there safe and sound xxxx

  2. Yeah devo'd re the Frasier thing as I had looked up going to Cafe Nervosa which is an integral location in the whole series.
    Tbh there isn't much shown in Seattle aside from views of the Space Needle and he lives in Elliot Bay.
    Ahh yeah that flight was painful but at least all of our luggage arrived 😃😃.
